Home » Residential » Tennant Creek Dwellings
Provide quantification and accurate forecast costs of all residential types both remote and regional; low, medium and high rise.
Construction of twelve (12) residential dwellings, Tennant Creek N.T. 0860
Located at 15, 19, & 21 Blackmore Road, Tennant Creek, N.T. 0860. The project as undertaken by Venture Housing Company Limited, who have appointed Habitat (NT) Pty Ltd as the building contractor, with the proposed construction period commencing June 2024 and currently forecast to be completed by July 2025 per the Contract. Housing Australia holds as a key Condition Precedent for funding, the requirement for an initial consultant report from a Quantity Surveyor to advise whether the Borrower’s budget as assessed by our office, is considered to be fair and reasonable for a project of this nature and scale.
If our assessment determined that the cost categories included as part of the Borrower’s budget were insufficient, then we recommended appropriate budgets for each cost category. Commenting separately on the Contingency sum – i.e., what percentage of the agreed construction costs budget does the contingency budget represent, and is the contingency budget sufficient, in the opinion of the QS, to cover any potential and permitted variations and to complete the Development by the expected date of Practical Completion.
QS Services Range of Services
QS Services provided the initial consultant report and construction progress reports which were required for the milestone claims, which were provided on a desk top basis given the remote nature of Tennant Creek.